KALE PLANTS, GREEN CURLY, 6 pack, Organic, Red Fire Farm

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Hardy all-weather crop. Organic Winterbor Kale, Grown in Montague MA. Ready for your garden.

Set out plants in spring 3 to 5 weeks before the last frost; in late summer, you can begin planting kale 6 to 8 weeks before the first frost for fall and winter harvests, Space plants about 18-24 inches apart.

Kale grows best in full sun, but will tolerate partial shade as well. Plants that receive fewer than 6 hours of sun daily will not be as stocky or leafy as those that get ample sun, but they will still be plenty edible! Like collards, kale likes fertile soil to grow fast and produce tender leaves. Enrich the soil with compost and fertilizer before setting out the seedlings.