BOK CHOY PLANTS. 6-pack, Organic (Asian Cabbage), Red Fire Farm

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Bok Choy is also called "Pac Choy" and "Bok Choi". Organic "Black Summer" Bok Choi Plants can be harvested at any point. You can also remove a few leaves at a time and leave growing for future harvesting. Grown in MA. Ready for your garden.

Bok choy can tolerate light frost, but exposure to cold temperatures in spring can trigger early bolting. Space plants 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm.) apart and mulch to keep soil cool and moist. To discourage bolting when growing bok choy as a spring crop, try planting bok choy in partial shade and keep it well-watered.

Pak choi is a cabbage family plant that grows best in moderately cool weather like other brassicas. It is one of the varieties of Asian greens and also known as Chinese white cabbage. This quick growing vegetable grows best in partial shade and does not take a lot of space. A perfect vegetable crop to grow in containers.

The flavor of pak choi is a combination of mild spinach, mustard, and cabbage. The entire plant is edible from bulb to foliage, it can be stir-fried, braised, steamed, baked, and added to soups but tastes best when added to salads.