DULSE, Whole Leaf Organic, Maine Coast 2 oz *SALE* Reg. $12.62

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Best before 6-15-2024

Low Temperature Dried Dulse.  MAINE COAST SEA VEGETABLES 100% DULSE LEAF WHOLE. 2 oz

Dulse is a colorful salad ingredient, is tasty in soups and is zesty when fried and boosts the flavor of any sandwich creation. Dulse doesn't require any soaking or cooking, which makes it a great snack to be enjoyed right out of the bag. Maine Coast Sea Vegetables is committed to the rediscovery of this ancient food source from the sea. Their mission is twofold: to provide high-quality North Atlantic sea vegetables as user-friendly foods and to build long-term relationships with their suppliers and the environment

CONTAINS: a 2 oz (56 g) bag of whole leaf Dulse

ORGANIC: This product is Certified Organic by OCIA

QUALITY: Sustainably-harvested in some of the cleanest waters in the world and tested for microbes, heavy metals, radioactivity, and other pollutants

NUTRITIOUS FOOD: A good source of vegetable protein, dietary fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous, vitamins, anti-oxidants, iodine and other trace minerals

EMPLOYEE-OWNED: As of 2017, Maine Coast Sea Vegetables was established as an employee-owned business where 100% of the company’s ownership is invested in an E.S.O.P. or an employee stock ownership plan.