Fair Trade - Imported
In the west, the dragon was always portrayed as a monster.
However, in the orient, the dragon is considered to be a
universal symbol of harmony, virtue, prosperity, change, energy
and creativity. Carved images of the dragon date back to the 5th
century BC in China. The Tibetan term for the dragon refers to
the sound of thunder. Its magnificent coat of luminescent scales
is just one part of the ancient myth that continues to inspire
and endure. A tap of the striker on the dragon-incised Ting-sha
produces a lovely tone and is a great way to call friends, family
or students together for a meal or event. The Ting-sha floating
over a brass cone base calls to mind a reclusive and meditative
monk. Set in hand-turned wooden base. (2 1/2H x 5''l, w/striker)