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1 oz

Days to Maturity: 55 DAYS

Early variety with a concentrated harvest perfect for preserving.

Lemon-yellow pods with green tips are round, straight and tender. Fine flavor and crisp texture ideal for pickling or lacto-fermenting. Pods hang in clusters around the main stem, making them easy to pick. White seeds.

Concentrated harvest

Holds well

4-5" pods

Disease Resistance Details: High Resistance: Bean Common Mosaic Virus, Curly Top Virus

Soil and Nutrient Requirements: Beans only require average fertility and prefer pH in the 6.0 - 6.8 range. Choose well drained, warm soils and use inoculants to increase yields where natural Rhizobia populations are low. 

Seeding Depth: 1-2” 

Plant Spacing: For bush beans, 2-3” 

Row Spacing: For snap bush beans 18-36”, for bush dry beans 28-36”, for pole beans 6”; for pole beans use single or double rows, with 12” between, and 4’ center beds with trellis in the middle. 

When to Sow : Days to maturity are from direct seeding. Direct seed after all danger of frost has passed. Optimal soil temperature for germination is 75-95°F. Beans are particularly sensitive to cool soils and are prone to rot if temperatures are below 55°F. White-seeded beans typically do not germinate as well as dark-seeded beans. Snap beans can be planted every 2-3 weeks for a continual harvest through mid-summer. 

Other Considerations:

  • When possible, wait for dry conditions before handling plants.¬†
  • Pole beans require trellising for support. Plant in single or double rows, or a circle for a tripod trellis.¬†

Harvest early and often to increase yields. Remove oversized beans to maintain pod production. Dry beans are harvested once in the fall, when plants are drying down. Harvest by hand or machine, using either a combine or a stationary thresher. Avoid harvesting moldy pods whenever possible, and make sure beans are completely dry before threshing.