Donate and receive a "Can't Live Without It" bumper sticker.
$5 Suggested donation - Ask us to return some or all of the money if you prefer not to donate.
A Grassroots Central Mass climate fund-raiser. TipTop is just collecting the money. You are giving a donation to Grassroots Central Mass and therefore your donation is not taxable.
Your donation helps our all-volunteer organization place books on Climate Change into the collections of area libraries. We want to spread awareness of the effects of climate change on humans and wildlife with carefully chosen books appealing to everyday people. All proceeds go directly to this effort. We are in touch with area librarians to assist with titles that encourage readers young and old to be more informed on the critical issue of global warming.
Display the 9-inch bumpersticker "Can't live Without It" on your car or in a window -- It also helps raise awareness that we have to act now to mitigate climate change.
Grassroots Central Mass. came into being in 2018 out of concern over the direction that our country and societies are heading regarding many issues, global warming high among them. We are Central Mass. Residents willing to act and educate our neighbors. Learn more: Find us online at We hope you will join us and get involved.